Frequently Asked Questions

...and some useful tips

Backup client software installation

Archiving-as-a-Service is backed by a Bacula Director and Storage Daemon, which currently are in major version 5. As a matter of fact, you should download and install a compatible Bacula File Deamon binary on your client prior to starting taking backups. Below, you may find details about installing the Bacula File Daemon for several operating systems:

  • Debian/Ubuntu

Bacula File Daemon packages are available through the main components of the various distributions' repositories, so the following should be enough as long as you install the same major version of bacula-client as the director of the service:

$ sudo apt-get install bacula-client

  • CentOS

Bacula File Daemon packages are available through the default base repositories, so the following should be enough as long as you install the same major version of bacula-client as the director of the service:

$ sudo yum install bacula-client

  • Windows Server

Before installing Bacula File Daemon in WIndows OSs, you should first read the relevant Bacula guidelines regarding Windows clients installation and configuration. You should also take into account the documentation for configuring Windows filesets. Probably the most important part is that path separators must be specified in Unix convention (i.e. forward slash (/))

The binaries are avalaible through Sourceforge relevant project. We have tested all 5.X.X bacula client packages and we concluded that, if you want VSS enabled for backup (that most likely you do), the only working versions are those starting from 5.0.1 and reaching up to 5.2.3. More recent versions will fail either on backup or restore procedures.

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Bacula File Daemon should be available through RHEL package repositories. You may also use the Sourceforge relevant project in order to build your own packages if not available.

  • FreeBSD / OpenBSD / NetBSD

You can install from the pre-build packages or from the port-tree. However, recent versions of the OSes install bacula clients (ver 7.x.y) not currently compatible with the service. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to use the ports collection to build the corresponding client.

pkg install bacula-client to install binaries or alternatively: cd /usr/ports/sysutils/bacula5-client && make install

Client FQDN

The clients's FQDN should be DNS resolvable

Bacula File Daemon (FD) firewall

The user should open the port in its Client firewall on which Bacula Director is configured to be connected based on the configured port in the FDPort field (default: 9102)

Backup locations

You should exclude the restore point in your filesystem from being backed up. If not, your backups will need more space and will take longer to be finish.

Backup data encyption

In the Bacula world, backup data encryption and signing is configured on the File DEamon which runs on the client. Please read the relevant documentation [1] and configure accordingly your FileDeamon configuration if you want to encrypt your data
